
Lego Watch continues

If memory serves this was sent in by alert reader Steve Q. They seem to be innocent -- albeit exceptionally time-intensive and bizarre -- Lego construction efforts. Though I'd keep an eye on #3 if I were you.

Danger Rating: 2 (they're still just plastic toys. Right?)


Love-Love Doll 2.0. Better use protection...

I'll let you be the judge of how bad this one is. On the one hand, it's an interesting training tool for health care providers. On the other hand it's, well, a robot birthing machine...

Twins? I'm at a loss for words.


Hal for the home

Now, I certainly understand the appeal of having a robot slave. A robot nanny named Jupiter that looks like Hal doesn't seem too terrible.
But then don't let it "emulate emotions"
Don't let it get on the web.
And seriously, what the hell is with the stake-for-arms stabby things sticking out of it?

Danger Rating: 8
They look harmless and cute, but there's a large potential for damage and destruction here.